Herbal teas

Diochi natural herbal teas contain plants that are used in traditional, alternative or Chinese medicine for their positive effect on the human organism. They enhance and promote the efficacy of Diochi products. .


Lycium chinense

The fruit of the Chinese boxthorn (Goji berry) with positive effects on liver and kidney function

Helichrysum arenarium

The dwarf everlast flower, the “Immortality” herb or Immortelle has an effect on the liver and gallbladder

Cymbopogon citratus

A refreshing tea from lemongrass with a positive effect on the liver, urinary bladder and stomach

Aloysia triphylla

Aloysia tryphylla affects the nervous system and female hormonal system.

Rosa centifolia

The flowers of the Provence rose have strong antiviral, stimulating and regenerative properties.

Prunella vulgaris

The common self-heal has been used as a universal medicine for both external and internal use for centuries.

Tabebuia impetiginosa

A herbal tea containing substances that promote heart and vascular function

Citrus aurantium

A citrus tea used for detoxification and to boost immunity. It is also effective in weight loss.

Smilax officinalis

Bioinformation herbal drops containing the medicinal herb of longevity

Uncaria tomentosa

Uncaria herbal tea affects the bloodstream and stimulates immunity.

Maytenus ilicifolia

Maytenus has been researched in relation to cancer, leukaemia and arthritis.

Achyrocline satureioides

Achyrocline is a traditional medicinal plant from South America that is used not only in the treatment of digestive disorders,…

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